Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Selection

Well, my previous blog was about selection of the right technology.  My application needs to be real time. It needs to be online. I do not want dependency on legacy components. I want my application to never to be outdated and usable for a long time. I also need the application to adhere to one of the best standards of the industry.
Adding to that, since I am a small developer I would not like myself worrying about the server maintenance, database maintenance, scalability and application server maintenance. I would also like my application to be agile and not stagnant after development. It should be easy to develop since I have a time frame for each deliverable. Since we live in the age of mobile and social, I want it to be mobile and social too.

Cloud is the answer. Well, its agile, it’s scalable and it has almost everything I need. There are various cloud based solutions available. I would not say anything about each of them. My selection was Salesforce product Force.com. Force.com is platform as a service (PaaS). It is a higher level of abstraction in the form of a platform which provides OS and application services which are tailor made for the developer. It has everything that I require for the application. Force.com website says “Proven.Agile.Social.Mobile” and that’s exactly what it is. It has seamless integration with almost all technologies using the polyglot Heroku. Heroku supports Ruby, Java, Python, Clojure, Scala and Node.js all the latest technologies which are used today. Hence, if you have a part of your application developed in some other language, it can be easily integrated with Force.com.
Force.com has a great community support for developers. It has a trial version for 30 days to try the platform. It has developer login to develop, test and try your code. There are a lot of workbooks available online which help you to get started too. Whenever, you go for such a selection make sure that you first try and develop a small application to know the capability of the platform. This will help you to make a more educated judgment about the technology.

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